Bathing is a dirty habit, and washing, a superstition deep.
Avoid them , but if u still must,
Jump in a well or in a river leap
And within your budget keep,
For, water is life, and life is no longer cheap.
Use no fan, light not ur house at night
It's much better to have inner light
And keep ur heart cheerful and eyes bright.
Keep no vehicle, buy no petrol
For, good health should be ur goal,
For which walk to and fro
Or better, do not anywhere go.
And if u don't want to starve, or be out in the cold
Take my advice, and don't grow old,
For, on ur savings and interest thereon
Whatever exemption existed, is quietly gone.
This globalised country needs u no more
So the FM most graciously shows u the door.
So cheer you up, for, it's a wonderful situation
Becoz higher the taxes, greater the nation.
Courtesy: Kuldip Salil, Delhi: HT-21 May 05
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